Take a layer-cake stack of fabrics…. say “poof”.... and out comes this amazing quilt! This one day class covers everything you need to know to complete the quilt top: fabric pairing, working with bias seams, and an easy piecing method. Choose a vibrant stack of fabrics (40+ 10” squares) to showcase in this quilt. This class is for experienced beginners and above, and is taught by the pattern designer.
Supply list:
- “Disappearing Act” pattern by Lori Jonker (Pinecone Hill)
- Rotary cutter with a fresh blade, and acrylic ruler. Cutting mats and irons are provided for use during class.
- Sewing machine (with feet, bobbins, power cord, pedal, etc.) and machine needles (size 80/12 is recommended)
- All purpose piecing thread (in a predominant color in your fabrics or a neutral, e.g. gray)
- The basics: pins, needles, seam ripper, scissors
- Fabric, see pattern for amounts.
- There will be a break for lunch, so you may bring a lunch or make a quick run to a nearby restaurant for takeout.
- Questions? pineconehillquilting@gmail.com
Instructor Name:
Lori Jonker
$ 50.00